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Mai 2017

3 posts
  • Call for Papers on by , [News] Hatena Bookmark

    Journal of Business & Economic Policy, ISSN: 2375-0766 (Print), 2375-0774 (Online) Journal of Business & Economic Policy (JBEP) is an open access, peer reviewed, and fully refereed international journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The main objective of JBEP is to provide a platform for the international scholars, academicians and researchers to […]

  • Geschützt: Bachelorarbeiten on by , [News] Hatena Bookmark

    Es gibt keinen Textauszug, da dies ein geschützter Beitrag ist.

  • Karlsruher Verfassungsgespräch on by , [News] Hatena Bookmark

    Podiumsdiskussion “Wohin steuert Europa?” mit Hans-Werner Sinn.