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Indulgence fee

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The unchallenged principle in criminal law, according to which, in addition to punishment – for example, for theft – there must also be reparation – in this case, the return of the stolen property to the owner – found its way into Christian theology early on. A sin as the culpable contravention of a commandment of God must therefore – first of all – be redeemed before God by repentance (penitence: the act of feeling shame, sorrow and regret for having done wrong) and then – the disturbance of the God-established order caused by the sin must be restored. – This second could happen under certain circumstances also by payment in cash: the indulgence money in the narrower sense. – Abusively, the first, namely the penance, was then also issued as purchasable (external cause of the Reformation in Germany by Martin Luther!) and made into a regular trade via so-called letters of indulgence (commercialized). – Indulgence, in old documents also of the neuter gender, derives from ablassen in the meaning to remit, forgive, absolve. – See Abtrag, Annaten, Beichtgeld, Bussgeld, Dispensationsgeld, Läutegeld, Kathedralgeld, Kirchgeld, Obvention, Opfergeld, Palliengeld, Peterspfennig, Pönalgeld, Prokurationsgeld, Simonie.

Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent!
University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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