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Analytical framework, common (systemic assessment framework, SAF)

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body launched in April 2009 with the mandate to improve the exchange of experience between central banks, supervisory authorities and finance ministries in the EU. – See deterrence, prudential, investor protection, supervision, European, supervisory avoidance, Banana Skins Survey, harmonization, Octopus, regulatory arbitrage, regulatory mania, straitjacking, subsidiarity principle, overregulation. – Cf. 2009 Annual Report of the Deutsche Bundesbank, p. 102 (work order).
Analyst and analyst: Person who – professionally (possibly also contractually as a financial journalist for a newspaper or magazine) – observes, explains and evaluates events on financial markets in general and on the stock exchange in particular, and – publicizes the knowledge gained from this (a person with expertise in assessing and evaluating financial securities. Most analysts are specialized in a single industry, business sector or just one or a few tradeable shares). – In Germany, analysts are required to register with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) in accordance with Section 34c of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG) and are subject to supervision. – An employee of a bank who observes, evaluates and assesses financial markets on behalf of customers and other departments of the bank (so-called sell-side analysts). Larger banks often employ a considerable staff of analysts (specialized in certain industries, countries or financial products). – Specialists at capital management companies who research the composition of the portfolio suitable for the respective target direction of the fund and make corresponding recommendations to the fund management (so-called buy-side analysts). – See analysis, technical, analyst rating, analyst registration investment recommendation, analyst task limitation, order research, issue agreement, Fibonacci sequence, financial analysis, financial astrology, earnings estimate, journalist privilege, scalping, security analyst, technician, securities analysis. – Cf. BaFin Annual Report 2003, p. 35 (important, internationally applicable principles for analysts), p. 109 ff, BaFin Annual Report 2004, p. 107 (on the Financial Analysis Ordinance [FinAV], which entered into force in December 2004), p. 125 f. (here also: travel and accommodation expenses at analysts‘ conferences may not be borne by issuers), p. 126 f. (duty of disclosure for analysts under the new Financial Analysis Ordinance), BaFin Annual Report 2005, pp. 133 ff. (detailed presentation of rules of conduct), BaFin Annual Report 2006, p. 139 (supervisory discussions with analysts; list of deficiencies), BaFin Annual Report 2007, pp. 148 ff. (new rules of conduct for analysts; interpretative decision; independent analysts), BaFin’s 2008 Annual Report, p. 145 f. (BaFin provides information on an ad hoc basis), BaFin’s 2010 Annual Report, p. 211 (BaFin supervises 138 analysts), BaFin’s 2012 Annual Report, p. 164 f. (BaFin searches the Internet and follows up on recommendations in stock exchange letters), and the respective BaFin Annual Report, chapter „Supervision of Banks, Financial Service Providers and Payment Institutions.“

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University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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