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Windform 3D Printing materials launch into Orbit on KySat-2

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Windform laser sintering materials conquer the space. 3D-printed parts of the CubeSat KySat-2 have been built with additive manufacturing and Windform XT 2.0, the proprietary material of CRP Technology.

CRP USA ( is pleased to announce the successful launch of Windform ( as part of the collaborative KySat-2 project, a 1U CubeSat, by students at the University of Kentucky and Morehead State University, in conjunction with Kentucky Space acting as the mission manager and coordinator.

“Congratulations to the KySat-2 team on a very successful launch. We are excited for the KySat-2 team, and are looking forward to following their mission,” said Stewart Davis, Director of Operations CRP USA.   “As part of our overall work to expand the use of Windform beyond motorsports, this launch is another successful project that continues to add to our growing space flight heritage.”

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 the collaborative team of students from the University of Kentucky and Morehead State University along with Kentucky Space, launched the KySat-2 into orbit as part of the NASA ElaNa IV mission out of Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Thirty-five (35) minutes after deployment from the launch vehicle, KySat-2 began beaconing its telemetry data and was almost immediately heard by amateur radio operators. Since then, the KySat-2 team began performing system checks for each of the various subsystems that make up the satellite. According to the KySat-2 team, all systems have been performing nominally.

“There were several 3d printed components on the KySat-2 made by CRP USA from CRP Technology’s proprietary material Windform XT 2.0,” explains Twyman Clements, KySat-2 Project Manager, Kentucky Space. “One of the subsystems, is the camera systems that acts as an attitude determination system called Stellar Gyro. The 3d printed parts, were produced using the additive manufacturing technology Selective Laser Sintering and Windform XT 2.0 material. The additive manufactured process 3d printed the mounting hardware for the camera system, extensions for the separation switches, clips for holding the antennas in their stowed position, and the mounting bracket for the on board batteries. The process and the material were critical to achieve the right components for KySat-2.”

KySat-2’s main mission is to be an educational tool and demonstration for the students working on the satellite. KySat-2 was designed, built, and tested entirely by students and engineers, with most of the subsystems designed in-house.

Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing and Materials for Space Applications

CRP USA together with CRP Technology ( produced five Windform XT 2.0 parts that are incorporated into the deployable solar panels on the KySat-2; camera annulus, lens cover, deployable extensions, antenna clips, and battery holders. One of the highest levels of Windform materials, Windform XT 2.0 is a high performance material filled with carbon fiber and offers maximum mechanical performance for 3D printed parts. The material combines maximum toughness and robustness, yet produces an extremely light, final part that doesn’t impact the overall production weight of the KySat-2 unit. Utilizing the additive manufactured technology, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and Windform XT 2.0 material final parts for small productions can easily replace parts that are usually produced with traditional technology, or are otherwise unmanufacturable. This makes Windform a material that can stretch the limits of SLS applications, even in space applications.

Project Update

KySat-2 was launched on board a Minotaur I rocket built by Orbital Sciences. Typically, operational lifetime for a CubeSat is around 1 year due to radiation exposure and damage to the batteries. The KySat-2 will remain operational as long as the team is able to make reliable contact to the satellite. Testing has already begun on the subsystems and the team is hopeful they will be able to take pictures and download them from the spacecraft in the next few weeks.

Video of the launch:

Note to the editor:


Kentucky Space LLC is an ambitious, non-profit enterprise focused on R&D, educational, small entrepreneurial and commercial space solutions. For more information visit,


CRP USA is based in Mooresville, NC, and specializes in Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing applications. CRP USA provides concept model, prototypes, and manufactured parts for industries including: Design, Entertainment, Racing, Space and UAV. For more information visit


CRP Group is dedicated to the activity of additive manufacturing and high performing CNC machining ranging from the motorsports industry to the aviation, aerospace, automotive, sailing, design and UAV industry with the use of Windform SLS powder and innovative CNC machines. For more information visit www.crp.e


Windform composite SLS materials are manufactured by CRP Group. Windform XT 2.0 is a high-tech material developed specifically for the additive manufacturing technology known as selective laser sintering (SLS). The material is suitable for applications and industries that require high performance including: Motorsports, Automotive (for components under the hood, such as intake manifolds, functional cooling ducts), Air (for components UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), Aerospace (to create prototype satellites, such as CubeSat), and Design, as it allows applications that are fully functional, as well as bench testing, or testing and racing on the track. For more information visit

CRP Group Press Office

Francesca Cuoghi

Phone: +39 059 821135


1. Siegener eMobility Konferenz für Südwestfalen

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Zu Beginn diesen Jahres startete an der Universität Siegen das vom BMBF geförderte Forschungsprojekt Remonet – regionales eMobility Netzwerk. Ziel des Projektes ist es, in den nächsten viereinhalb Jahren in enger Kooperation mit der Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Siegen und regionalen Unternehmen, die Bedingungen für die Einführung von Elektromobilität in der Region zu entwickeln und erste Praxiserprobungen zu realisieren. Der Grundgedanke des Projektes trifft auf eine vielfältige politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Interessenlage hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, Nutzung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von Elektromobilität.
Wir möchten Sie hiermit ganz herzlich einladen, an unserer 1. Siegener eMobility Konferenz am 17. Juni 2014 teilzunehmen. Auf der Veranstaltung möchten wir uns als regionales Netzwerk der Öffentlichkeit vorstellen sowie über aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Elektromobilität informieren und mit den Besuchern gemeinsam Chancen und Herausforderungen zukünftiger Mobilität und insbesondere der Elektromobilität in unserer Region diskutieren. Zudem wird es Gelegenheit geben mit anderen Experten und Interessierten zu sprechen, Kontakte zu knüpfen als auch die Innovationen unserer Projekt‐ und Valuepartner direkt vor Ort auf dem Marktplatz kennenzulernen.
In den drei Themenblöcken der Konferenz Mobilitätsveränderungen, eMobility Dienstleistungen und eMobility Technologie werden Experten in interessanten Impulsvorträgen Entwicklungen aufzeigen und Anregungen geben. Im Anschluss an jeden Themenblock wird eine halbstündige offene Podiumsdiskussion stattfinden, in der sich jeder Interessierte einbringen und in den Diskurs mit den Experten treten kann. Am Mittag wird es Gelegenheit geben, die eMobility Ausstellung auf unserer „Mobility Piazza“ zu besuchen. Näheres können Sie dem Programmflyer entnehmen.



Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Die formlose Anmeldung bitte per Mail an:
Die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ist kostenlos. Bei Fragen können Sie sich jederzeit gerne an uns wenden.
Die Konferenz wird in Zusammenarbeit der Universität Siegen, dem Projektbüro Remonet und der Wirtschaftsförderung der
Stadt Siegen organisiert und realisiert.

Dienstag, den 17. Juni 2014, 10‐17 Uhr, alter Ratssaal der Stadt Siegen, Rathaus/Markt 2, 57072 Siegen

Herder Bibliothek – Vortrag Dr. Tobias Körfer

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Zwei studentische Mitarbeiter für Forschungsprojekt gesucht

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flexible Arbeitszeit, eigener Arbeitsplatz


  • Pflege eines Wikis / WordPress
  • Recherche
  • Formulierung von Aufsätzen / Texten
  • Datenpflege
  • Sekretariat
  • Ansprechpartner für Studenten / Lehrkräfte

Das bringen Sie mit:

  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen und englischen Sprache
  • Erfahrung in der Literaturrecherche

Bewerbung sollte folgende Punkte beinhalten:

  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf mit aktuellem Lichtbild
  • Notenübersicht
  • Zeugnisse

Bewerbung schnellstmöglich an:

Dr. Eckehard Krah

HOMYC-Konferenz 2014

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Academic Community of young scientists and students in Kaliningrad State Technical University is holding 11th Anniversary International Student Workshop Conference.

download application sheet