Supervision meetings
Discussions between the associations of companies operating in the financial market and the supervisory authority to exchange ideas. The purpose (practical effect) of the meetings is primarily to coordinate planned projects of the banks with the supervisory authority in advance. In recent years, such meetings have become increasingly important in the interaction between the players in the financial sector and the supervisory authority. The resulting climate of open communication is seen as very useful by both sides, especially because it allows different perspectives to be uncovered and weighed. – See supervision, supervisory triangle, supervisory culture, impact studies, banking supervision, European, calls for advice, rulemakers. – Cf. 2004 Annual Report of BaFin, p. 118 (as many as 134 supervisory discussions in 2004), 2006 Annual Report of BaFin, p. 127 (focus of discussions), p. 134 (advantages of on-site coordination with auditors), and the respective annual report of BaFin.
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University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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