The term is also used to refer to protection duty
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In earlier times, this was a tax imposed on the propertyless inhabitants of a village (citizens without full political rights; Insten, Einsassen, Inleute), who usually worked as day laborers (Tagner, Tauner, Losmann, Lidl, Diurnist, Diëtarius and Diëist: this always refers to unskilled workers; although craftsmen also sometimes worked for a day wage, they were not […]
Lapse and compulsory exclusion (lapse)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the case of a life insurance policy, the automatic lapse under the terms of the policy if the policy owner falls behind with the premium (the termination of an insurance policy because of the owner of the policy failing to pay the premium within the grace period [commonly within 30 days after the last […]
Market value, sales value, commercial value, current market price
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Primarily used in connection with real estate. It is understood to mean the price which – at the time to which the determination relates – could be obtained in the course of business on the basis of the legal circumstances and actual characteristics, – the other properties and – the location of the property or […]
Consumer, conspicuous consumer
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In monetary psychology, a private household that spends with the aim of gaining attention, prestige, prestige in the social environment through the purchase of goods. – See money man, money hat, money people, money bag, luxury money, luxury consumption. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes […]
Expired and expired (unables)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Said on the Exchange of all orders that could not be executed by the close of trading; unless other instructions conflict and give the order validity beyond the close of trading (all orders not filled by the end of a trading day are considered unable and void, unless they are labeled GTC [Good Until Cancelled] […]
Structural rigidities
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Unless otherwise defined, this refers to an economy with – only a less flexible labor market, – less competition on goods markets, – considerable barriers to market entry for new companies and – a less developed capital market. – In such economies, the investment ratio is lower, and thus productivity and consequently growth are also […]
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Generally, the conversion of non-marketable assets of any kind into tradable securities (the process of converting nontradable assets into tradable securities.). – Banks bundle receivables from loans extended into debt securities that are sold to investors. – Banks issue certificates for foreign shares not listed on the domestic stock exchange, thereby making them tradable on […]
Expected loss
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Under IFRS 9, the probability of occurrence of risks of all types must be recognized over the entire term. The new rule applies not only to banks, but also to impairments of any financial instruments carried at cost, regardless of the industry. This forces the prompt recognition of risk provisions, because the expected cash flow […]
Loss absorption and loss absorption
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Term used primarily in connection with certain tradable financial instruments. Banks bundle a large number of issued loans into a portfolio. This is then broken down into individual tranches; usually into three, not necessarily equal parts. – The lowest, relatively high-interest tranche (first-loss piece, also known as equity tranche) must fully bear (absorb) the loss […]
Consumer advisory board
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Twelve-member board established at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority to advise the agency on consumer protection issues. – See committee mania, consumer complaints, consumer protection forum. – Cf. BaFin Annual Report 2012, p. 17 (constitution of the committee; pp. 70 ff. (Europe-wide uniform guidelines on complaints). Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and […]