Acquisition, strategic (bolt-on project)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Acquisitions through which a bank (generally: through a company) seeks to gain a stronger position in the market (acquisitions that carry synergy potential through integration with existing operations). As financial history teaches, this has not been successful in many – some even say most – cases, and the acquiring institution has even slid into the […]
Labor market policy
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
All measures aimed at influencing the supply of or demand for labor. Because active employment policy usually involves a considerable detour of money flows, its effects are monitored by the central bank. – See Labor Market Flexibility. – Cf. Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report of September 2006, pp. 63 ff. (basic considerations; many overviews; p. 70: […]
Poor box, fund for poor relief
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the past, the poor box was set up by the parish or the political community and administered by an alms manager (also: almsvogt, Armenvogt, Almosenpfleger, Almosenier, Spendmeister; alms manager, almoner: an official attached with the distribution of alms) with the purpose of providing fellow citizens in need with the means necessary for their subsistence. […]
Arrosion and arrosion (partial payment)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the case of government bonds in particular, the postponement of repayment, compensated by an increase in the interest rate on the paper. – A partial payment. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec. Professor Dr. […]
Set-off and netting, in older documents also riscontro (set-off, offsetting)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
The complete or partial release of a claim by a similar counterclaim; §§ 387 ff. BGB (situation whereby a debtor may acknowledge the claimant’s demand, but he pleads his own claim in order to extinguish the claimant’s demands either in full or in part). – See Netting. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright […]
Supervisory cooperation, technical (technical supervision assistance)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Generally, the assistance provided by one supervisory authority to another in carrying out its responsibilities. – Specifically, the assistance provided by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority to the establishment and service operations of supervisory authorities in emerging and developing countries, including through staff exchanges and training. – See banking supervision, European, twinning, central bank […]
Private-label fund (PLF, also
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
white-label fund, WLF): An asset that a capital management company, a bank or a private asset manager – an independent fund manager, then often also called promoter – puts together specifically according to the wishes of a client. The fund name is usually freely selectable (private labeling), and all terms and conditions are specifically determined […]
Appearance money
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Money paid by a promoter of an event to a celebrity in order to ensure that the star takes part in the event. Separate agencies arrange show stars and well-known politicians for such appearances. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor […]
Anti-Gresham’s law (counter Gresham law)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
If two currencies are accepted in business transactions (e.g. in border regions), experience shows that the money judged to be better (= more stable in value) is hoarded and, if possible, the money judged to be inferior is used for payment. – See bimetallism, Gresham’s law, secondary currency, currency, limping. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is […]
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Formerly, the regular payment of money (life annuity) to a (noble) descendant. – See Fräuleingeld, pension, annuities, casket. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec. Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol. E-mail address: info@ekrah.com https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Ernst_Merk https://www.jung-stilling-gesellschaft.de/merk/ https://www.gerhardmerk.de/