Labor productivity
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In general, the production result for a given labor input. There are various methods of measurement. Central banks generally calculate: gross domestic product at constant prices divided by the total number of employees or hours worked. The ECB continuously monitors labor productivity under the two-pillar principle and calculates and statistically reports it as value added […]
Arrondissement (balancing)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Bringing the holdings of a particular security in a portfolio to a desired number of units by buying or selling. – See Still Business, Odd Lot. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec. Professor Dr. Eckehard […]
Asian Currency Unit, ACU (also referred to in German)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Planned clearing currency (initially planned as a basket currency similar to the ECU) of Asian countries as a precursor to a later single currency in Asia, at least within the Asian Free Trade Area. In the longer term, the ACU could join the USD and EUR – see Globo, Terra. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is […]
Absorption phase and absorption era
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the commodity futures market said of well-funded futures traders who buy contracts on a larger scale. – If, on the other hand, these strong hands sell commodity futures contracts, this is called a dsitribution era. – See position, weak, futures contract, futures speculator. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only […]
Supervision, risk-oriented (risk-oriented supervision)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In Germany, a working group set up by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and the Deutsche Bundesbank to facilitate the implementation of Basel II at banks. – See Committee mania, Leaning against the wind, Straitjacking. – Cf. 2004 Annual Report of BaFin, p. 95 f., BaFin’s 2007 Annual Report, pp. 95 ff (risk-oriented supervision in […]
Supervisory authorities (prudential authorities, regulatory authorities)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In general, the bodies established by law in a country or in an association of countries, such as the EU, to monitor activity on the financial markets. Their actions have a positive externality effect because they strengthen the stability of the financial system. – In Euroland, a decentralized system of supervision had emerged; it took […]
Supervisory mechanism, single [European] (Single Supervisory Mechanism, SSM)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Another name for European banking supervision, which has been based at the ECB since 2014. – The term „supervisory mechanism“ has been criticized by linguists as inappropriate and incorrect because of the word element „mechanism.“ For in German, „mechanism“ is widely understood to mean a coherent whole of technical components in which the movement of […]
Annuity loan
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Loan in which the amount borrowed is repaid in a certain way from interest and repayments. The repayment installment remains the same until maturity. However, because a part of the residual debt (also called reliquation in older documents) is repaid with each partial payment, the interest portion is reduced in favor of the repayment portion. […]
Adjustment inflation, necessitated (necessitated adjustment inflation)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Newer term for the following chain of effects: – the active part of a country’s population in the labor force declines sharply relative to the non-active part (declining birth rate, „burden caused by the elderly people“), – the overall tax burden of the workforce would have to be increased very sharply as a result, which […]
The term „Ankreiden“ (taking on credit, chalking up)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the German retail trade, widespread until about 1950, not yet completely extinct and, according to economic history, a very old habit of mainly poorer private households to pay later for purchased goods. The financially weak, usually owner-operated retail businesses (retailers, grocers) – could not pay the wholesalers in cash, and – the wholesalers, for […]