Shareholder (actionist)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In older documents also used for a shareholder as the owner of the share in the capital stock of a joint stock company. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec. Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol. E-mail […]
Activity analysis
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Unless otherwise defined, at an institution, the retrospective imputed assessment of all operations in terms of the extent to which they have contributed to success; usually combined with suggestions as to how costs incurred in individual operations can be reduced in the future or to what extent loss-making activities can be eliminated from the service […]
Analysis, technical (technical analysis)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the stock market, the future market assessment and evaluation of the price of a value (currency, security, commodity, futures contract) based on the past market trend and its determinants. An important part of this is chart reading, which is based on the graphical representation (charts) of past price trends. The activity of technical analysis […]
Anderson scandal
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
The disintegration of the venerable accounting firm Arthur Anderson in the U.S. in 2004. The globally active firm had destroyed two tons of files of the floundering energy giant Enron in 2001, was therefore convicted by the U.S. Supreme Court in the last instance for obstruction of justice and forfeited its license in all 50 […]
Disguised disclosure
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
(Mandatory) announcements distributed by (listed) companies, which – cast in linguistically ambiguous phrases or circumlocutory formulations or (more and more frequently) – are filled with a lot of meaningless talk, enriched with irrelevant statements including plenty of pictures that cleverly distract the reader’s attention (information overload). This is an attempt to cover up unpleasant facts. […]
Angels, fall (so also said in German; more rarely crashed tops)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
In the language of the financial world, well-known companies, often enough awarded the highest credit ratings by rating agencies, that crash into bankruptcy overnight, such as the U.S. telecommunications company WorldCom in 2002 (Deutsche Bank alone had to write off a three-digit million amount on its investment in WorldCom) or the year before, the Texas […]
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Borrowings from the English language that have entered the national language. Because the financial world is largely globalized, words and phrases from English understandably accumulate here. If this is repeatedly criticized as a bad habit of the so-called „spirit of the time“ (zeitgeist), this is wrong. Already old merchant language sucked itself full with Italian […]
Investment opportunity costs
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
Waiting to make an investment decision generates indirect costs. If one is not present in the market, the opportunity to generate a return is lost. – The risk of running into a crash while fully invested can be mitigated by staggering. – See attentism, liquidity preference, opportunity cost, Roosa effect. – Cf. Monthly Report of […]
Fixed assets, permanent assets, non-current assets; in the case of a company, all tangible assets that are intended to serve business operations on a permanent basis. – In the national accounts, basically all produced and thus reproducible goods that are used repeatedly or permanently in production for more than one year
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
the capital stock; in detail, a number of statistical definitions and delimitations have to be taken into account. – Cf. capital assets fixed assets, balance sheet rule, golden, facility management, trade capital, investment, capital goods, physical capital, tangible assets, assets, asset value, current value. – On physical capital formation, see the annex „Euro area statistics,“ […]
Bond, secured (secured bond)
2023/07/21 by
alex1, []
A debt security that is protected by some means against default and/or delinquency by the issuer. – See bond, asset-backed, bond, unsecured, monetary expansion, monetary union-internal, pledge, collateral, collateralization, real collateral. Attention: The financial encyclopedia is protected by copyright and may only be used for private purposes without express consent! University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, […]