The term „detraction“ is used to refer to the departure fee
An earlier tax to be paid for – citizens leaving the association of a (town) municipality or a dominion (emigrants; out-migrants, emigrants), also called Abfahrtsgeld, Abschiedsgeld, Abschossgeld, Detraktionsgeld, Detraktionszensus, Gabella, Hebgeld, Loskaufgeld, Nachschossgeld, Nachsteuergeld and Permissionsgeld, Latin: CENSUS EMIGRATIONIS. In many German territorial states, the relatives of those who secretly left the country (from about 1770, especially to the USA) were made liable for the (subsequent) payment of the corresponding amounts. The purpose of the very high levy was to keep in the country citizens deprived of their means of subsistence (minimum subsistence means) by war events and epidemics and to force them to rebuild; – young people marrying outside the community and marrying into property there; – all those who wanted to inherit parents or relatives, also called Erbpfundgeld (successor duty): practically an inheritance tax. – A gratuity to soldiers leaving military service, also called marching money and demobilization money. – See amenities allowance, suit allowance, service allowance, case allowance, legacy allowance, cure allowance, ranzion, death allowance, veteran’s allowance.
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University Professor Dr. Gerhard Merk, Dipl.rer.pol., Dipl.rer.oec.
Professor Dr. Eckehard Krah, Dipl.rer.pol.
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